Rallying the New York Tech Community to Stand Against Racial Inequality and Assist Those Affected by COVID-19
NYTechCares is a coalition of New York technology companies standing up against racial inequality and helping those affected by COVID-19. Created by Suzy and powered by Percent Pledge, we’ve made it easy for your organization and your employees to be part of something bigger.
How can my company get involved?
It’s easy for companies and/or individuals to support our top-rated partner charities. All donations are tax-deductible and secure, powered by Percent Pledge’s proprietary giving platform.

Donate Equipment
Donate used or unused equipment and take a tax deduction for the fair market value.

Make the Pledge
Customize a monthly “subscription for giving” to automatically support these charities and receive personal impact stories right to your inbox.

Make a One-Time Donation
Contribute any amount to our portfolio of top-rated charities on the front lines of these issues.

Partner Charities
Now is a critical time to make a big impact. Every cause and community is hurting, so we curated a portfolio that will maximize your impact.
We Are NYTechCares
We are living through this crisis with our clients and supporting our community any way we can. We feel a duty to stand up against racial inequality and help those affected by COVID-19. As our world continues to face unprecedented challenges, we've asked ourselves how to best fulfill our mission by giving back -- and most importantly: how can we have the most impact?