Refine the Way You Communicate With Your Target Consumers
Test your brand’s copy, claims, campaigns, and messaging to ensure you’re talking about your products in a way that resonates most with your target consumers.
Optimize packaging to improve engagement with your consumers right from the start
Conduct a MaxDiff Analysis study to understand which claims should be included on product packaging.
Create ad campaigns that resonate with a new audience
Conduct a series of Focus Groups to understand which ad messaging packs the most punch with different demographics.
Make it easy for users to understand a new feature.
Using a Monadic Test survey, test different messaging about a new product feature to understand usage intent, relevance, comprehension, and more.

Explore More Use Cases
Customer Success Story
Client and Challenge
The Insights team from a major cosmetics company needed to understand the beauty pain points of those with disabilities. It was important to the brand to better deliver beauty to these consumers, and incorporate full-range inclusivity into the brand communications and product innovations across makeup, facial skincare, and hair care categories.
The Solution
Through the initial qualitative phase, the team gained knowledge about the emotional associations that exist within the beauty category, with specific probes on what ‘beauty’ means to people with disabilities and how they define ‘feeling beautiful.’ The data also unlocked key pain points these consumers have in the beauty industry, from the issues they experience when shopping for products to the struggles they encounter when using the products.
These findings were then validated at scale with a quantitative A&U to further tease out the emotional associations with beauty, parsing together a clear definition of what beauty means to these consumers and the pain points they have when shopping for and using beauty products.
This information helped inform the CEO and stakeholders to incorporate new product innovation and shape communication to become a more inclusive brand. Ideas proposed by Suzy included symbols and messaging on pack across brands for quick product selection, sample packs available online to experience the product before shopping, and accessibility maps that can be downloaded prior to visiting a store.

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