Media Innovation for Marketers with Leah Meranus, Chief Media Officer at Dentsu X


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The evolution of media consumption has dramatically changed how we shop and for Leah Meranus, “commercification” will fundamentally change KPIs.

“The world is continuing to change in these massive fundamental ways that impact the way that consumers interact and behave with our brands. It's fundamentally changing us. What that means is you always need to be a moment ahead and the irony and interest of me being on this talking about metaverses and multiverses is that's not my area of expertise, it's not my day-to-day, but all of us have to understand this stuff. All of us have to push ourselves to understand the impacts that technology are having on our consumers. If not, we're not going to know where and how to find them, engage with them, impact them and connect them intimately to what we're providing as companies.”
— Leah Meranus

Leah Meranus is an experienced leader and innovator in the media world. She has made a name for herself both within her current role as Chief Media Officer of Dentsu X, where she leads nearly 200 team members to deliver integrated communications solutions that generate meaningful growth, as well as at Initiative prior to this position – a firm which was named "Comeback Agency of the Year" by Ad Age and "U.S. Media Agency of the Year." 

Leah's accidental foray into media nearly two decades ago has unleashed a world of infinite possibilities—with hundreds of channels to choose from and copious competition, modern marketing agencies such as Dentsu X have had to stay nimble in order to remain ahead. 

This week on The Speed of Culture, Leah Meranus chats with Suzy Founder and CEO Matt Britton to talk about the connection between consumer behavior and market trends. They reflect on the evolution of media consumption from traditional channels like TV and radio to digital platforms such as social media, streaming services, and online video and explore how marketers need to shift their mindset from traditional marketing and advertising tactics toward an experiential design approach.  

This week on The Speed of Culture, Leah sat down with Suzy Founder and CEO Matt Britton to explore the connection between consumer behavior and market trends. In the episode, they take a look back at the evolution of media consumption and uncover what it takes for marketers today to succeed: an experiential design approach.

  • Is TV Dead? - TV has certainly changed—and while it’s no longer center stage, it belongs to a holistic marketing plan. TV can be treated like any long-form video. Currently, TV ratings are down and demand is down. Prime times are shifting. But what will happen when “app fatigue” sets in? 

  • Web3 & Blockchain - Despite early hype, Web3 and blockchain have yet to reach the wave of adoption that was initially expected. Interoperability, efficiency, and accountability are still on the horizon—but only time will tell if these promises become reality. 

  • Game Advertising Strategies - Gaming is a booming industry of opportunity, with its $300 billion market value rapidly expanding. In response to the potential for growth, Dentsu X is "leaning into attention and innovation" by partnering up with software companies in order to gain more analytical capabilities. Recently they partnered with Twitch and Frameplay

Listen to Leah on the Speed of Culture podcast today to learn how innovative marketing companies like 360i stay ahead of the curve.


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