Playing the Field with FIFA: How Frito-Lay Approaches Modern Marketing with Brett O'Brien, CMO at Frito-Lay North America


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Brett explores his focus on transparency in the food industry, the power of sports in driving brand awareness, and the importance of growth and consumer-centricity in marketing.

“With Frito, when we talk about sport, it's about the gathering. It's about the fandom. It's about the people coming together to celebrate sports in a way that we all celebrate very few things like we do sport.”
— Brett O'Brien

In a landscape where relevance, transparency, and innovation are critical, corporate giants like PepsiCo and Frito-Lay are placing the consumer at the heart of their operations. To delve into how this consumer-focused philosophy takes shape, we sat down with Brett O'Brien, Chief Marketing Officer at Frito-Lay North America. 

A driving force behind some of the world’s most iconic brands, Brett blends art, science, and culture to spark joy in consumers and reimagine the future of food. As the CMO of Frito-Lay North America, he shapes the resounding success of legendary snack brands like Lays, Cheetos, and Doritos, with an unwavering focus on purpose, expansion, innovation, and strategic vision. 

Previously, Brett led PepsiCo's Sports and Fitness division, managing a diverse portfolio of global sports brands such as Gatorade, Muscle Milk, Propel, and Evolve. Additionally, he led teams dedicated to the Mountain Dew trademark and Pepsi's flavored soft drinks and energy brands, further solidifying his expertise in the industry.

O’Brien’s successful and creative track record has earned him honors including being named to Advertising Age’s 40 Under 40 in 2013, Digital A-List in 2010, and the recipient of Event Marketer’s 2011 Brand X Award.

Check out the key takeaways of this episode or the transcript below to learn the role of modern marketing in the food and sports industry.

  • Sports Marketing and Consumer Experience:  Brett highlights how Gatorade and Frito-Lay each approach marketing differently. At Gatorade, functionality and performance enhancement for athletes is the focus, while at Frito-Lay, the brand emphasizes fandom and emotional connections that people have with the brand. He underscores the importance of understanding consumer experiences and balancing time between innovation, tracking performance, and staying connected with consumer needs.

  • Unveiling the Real Food Journey - Brett discusses his interest in the culinary and agricultural aspects of Frito-Lay's products. He explains the importance of educating consumers about how their food is made and where it comes from. This approach not only offers transparency but also creates a stronger connection with consumers by highlighting the brand's agricultural roots and the culinary richness of its products.

  • Evolving Brand Storytelling - Frito-Lay adapts its brand storytelling approach in response to changing media consumption habits. Rather than solely focusing on traditional TV ads, Frito-Lay now sees events like the Super Bowl as part of a larger narrative journey. By utilizing diverse platforms and offering varied engagement opportunities such as virtual worlds and interactive experiences, the brand ensures that its audience is effectively engaged, pre- and post-event.

  • Fueling Excitement in the World Cup - Recognizing an opportunity to engage and educate US fans about soccer, Frito-Lay leveraged the FIFA World Cup as a platform to generate excitement. They strategically placed their products at the center of this global event, focusing not only on the men's tournament in 2022 but also ensuring a significant presence during the Women's World Cup.

Originally published July 20, 2023

Listen to Brett on the Speed of Culture podcast today to learn more about How Frito-Lay approaches modern marketing.


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