Scaling a CPG Brand in 2022 & Beyond with Mark Edmonson, CMO at Materne North America, GoGo squeeZ


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For Mark Edmonson, massive shifts in consumer behavior are constantly changing the rules of engagement. The good news is that disruption empowers consumers and consumer-facing marketers alike.

“Don't just rely on the agency. Make sure you're embedded into all the processes so that something that they may not have thought of because they haven't been living the brand, you'll be able to share that with them. That's the number one thing I would tell people to do. Don't take your hands off the keyboard.”
— Mark Edmonson

Marketing used to evolve at a reasonable pace. Today, massive shifts in consumer behavior are constantly changing the rules of engagement. The good news is that disruption empowers consumers and consumer-facing marketers alike. The bad news is that rapid change creates unprecedented challenges for even the savviest marketers. 

In this episode, Mark Edmonson, CMO at Materne North America, GoGo squeeZ,  joins Suzy Founder and CEO Matt Britton, to explore how these shifts play out in the real world. Mark is responsible for revamping iconic brands like Old Spice, Gillette, Campbell Soup Company, Febreze, and Henkel. He offers an insightful view of consumers and shares strategic engagement models to build and expand successful brands in today's economic and digital environment.

  • How Has the Macro Environment Changed Your Business Models and Plans Going Forward? Mark and many big CPG companies have successfully used DTC models to roll out new products. It's a smart move because you can prelaunch products to collect consumer data and get feedback in real-time to make adjustments to your product or marketing strategy.

  • Redefining a Brand and Driving Expansion - There are many ways to redefine your brand and drive growth. One way to expand is to look for opportunities beyond your core audience.

  • The Consumer is in the Driver's Seat - Consumers shop everywhere and have many options. Brands must be strategic in their approach to cut through the noise and reach their target consumers. It is not enough to be present; you need to participate in conversations relevant to your target market.  

  • Advice for Marketers Who Want to Advance their Careers - Mark advises young marketers to get hands-on experience by literally keeping your hands on the keyboard. You need to learn every platform like TikTok, Google, etc. Become embedded in all the processes to offer insights from a marketing perspective. It's also critical to build relationships and not burn bridges. Build a diverse network of people in and outside of your niche. You never know when you'll need someone's help, and a diversified network will give you more leverage. Finally, have fun and make it enjoyable!

Listen to Mark on the Speed of Culture podcast today to learn how to build a strong brand in today's economic and digital environment – or read through the episode transcript below.


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