High Performers, High Growth: The Ultimate Business Strategy


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What drives employee satisfaction? A lot, as it turns out.

By: Anthony Onesto, Chief People Officer

At Suzy, we believe that the most successful businesses put people at the heart of their every move. This is true not only for consumer-centric companies but also for businesses that put the people who work there first. Employee satisfaction is more than just a feel-good metric. It’s a powerful driver of business success, impacting revenue growth, productivity, and innovation in significant ways. 

But what exactly does employee satisfaction look like? And how can you create a workplace where employees are truly satisfied?

The answer lies in the data. To better understand what motivates employees and how businesses can address their needs, Suzy ran a strategic employee segmentation study on our connected consumer research platform. With research like this, companies of all shapes and sizes can create a work environment tailored to their employees’ needs. 

In an employee segmentation study, we focused on key drivers analysis, building our questionnaire around the range of experiences that our employees value. Key drivers included factors like how satisfied employees were in their current jobs, their confidence in senior leadership, and even their own personality traits. We also used advanced analytics to illuminate how employee values can best be brought together to drive what the company also values! It all adds up to a win-win. After all, company value these days is comprised mostly of human capital. 

In this post, we'll take a look at employee segmentation and discuss key insights from our research. We'll also explore how you can use this information to create a more effective and productive workforce. Let’s get started.

Understanding Employee Segmentation: A Deep Dive into Our Findings

As any HR professional might expect, our research unearthed a rich variety of needs and aspirations across different workforce demographics. To ensure we took a nuanced approach, our research factored in diverse variables such as age, role, stress levels, personal values, and attitudes toward work. This segmentation helped us uncover unique group dynamics—from the “High Energy, High Earners” driven by growth and achievement to the “Underpaid & Overstressed” who need different types of support to unlock their full potential at work.

This strategic segmentation does more than sketch a surface-level picture of employee preferences; it digs into the “why” behind these preferences. With that background, we’re equipped to tailor more effective management strategies and foster workplace environments that not only boost employee satisfaction but also align seamlessly with our overarching business goals.

Let's Look at the Numbers: Key Insights Across All Segments

Across all segments, specific universal drivers of employee satisfaction emerge:

  • Compensation and Benefits: Fair and competitive compensation is fundamental to employee contentment. Our findings indicate that employees who perceive their compensation as fair are significantly more satisfied with their jobs. 

  • Work-Life Balance: Organizations can emphasize the importance of a sustainable work-life balance. Employees who enjoy flexible working conditions report higher job satisfaction and a lower propensity to leave.

  • Career Growth Opportunities and Recognition: The prospect for personal and professional development is a crucial motivator across all demographics, correlating strongly with higher engagement and job satisfaction. Being recognized adequately for one's contributions—whether from their team, manager, or company—is a key motivator for satisfied employees, especially because it doesn’t require a significant investment.

Strategic Segmentation: A Catalyst for Revenue Growth

Tailoring engagement and motivation strategies to fit different employee segments can dramatically influence performance metrics. High performers, for example, are more likely to choose a 20% raise over a four-day workweek. Compensating those performers correctly can help keep them motivated and striving for more success, which ultimately results in the company’s success. This segment is also the one to be highly motivated by learning opportunities. These are the right people to put in charge of programs and projects that can catapult your company’s growth.

Psychographics in Action: Boosting Productivity

We can design initiatives that significantly uplift morale and productivity by leveraging deep psychographic insights. For segments like the”'Underpaid & Overstressed,” targeted support and recognition programs have effectively reduced absenteeism and turnover, enhancing productivity. This segment also feels like they don’t have opportunities for growth and feel stuck in junior or intermediate roles. Finding pathways forward for these employees is another tactic to drive re-engagement and motivate them. 

Or, take the “Secure & Satisfied” employee, who is likely to not care about standing out, but likes to work alone. As engaged and productive employees, they are motivated by being trusted to work remotely. A key to maintaining their loyalty and satisfaction lies in letting them work the way they work best. 

Customization: The Key to Unlocking Innovation

Creating an environment that fosters innovation requires a nuanced understanding of the unique needs and strengths of different employee segments. We can significantly boost our innovative output by providing conditions that resonate with each group's preferences. For example, certain segments of employees are motivated by greater autonomy and creative freedom. This is a particularly successful tactic among the “High Energy, High Earners” and “Manager-Relationship Driven” segments.

On the other hand, the “Manager-Relationship Driven” and “Low-Engaged” segments are both motivated by their relationships with fellow employees and work that is helpful to the community. These individuals might be great employee ambassadors for causes your brand cares a lot about. 

Health and Wellbeing: Investing in Long-Term Success

Since benefits are the second most important thing to employees when considering a job across segments, companies must invest in comprehensive health and wellness programs. The only thing more important is compensation. Such investments lower healthcare costs, reduce absenteeism and improve employee morale, positively affecting our bottom line.

Last words

The strategic insights gained from employee segmentation are invaluable to crafting modern employee experiences and business strategies. By understanding and addressing the diverse needs of our workforce, we enhance employee satisfaction, resulting in higher revenue, productivity, and innovation. This strategic, insightful approach to HR and the employee experience is crucial for building a resilient, forward-thinking business poised for success in today's competitive landscape.

Whether it’s for your employees or your consumers, you can run a dynamic segmentation study as Suzy to learn what really motivates the people your brand cares about. By understanding the key drivers that motivate them and lead to behavior change, you can anticipate and stay ahead of the curve.

Learn more about Suzy’s Dynamic Segmentation offering today.


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