Research deliverables: what you need to go from survey to pitch


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What client-ready research deliverables does the Suzy platform offer? And which ones should you take advantage of?

Imagine you’ve just completed a research project. You have a ton of data, and there’s some pretty compelling stuff in there. However, distilling your data down to tell an engaging story that your stakeholders will pay attention to and understand can be difficult—especially when you’re in a time crunch. 
And it’s not all down to just presenting your data. Different types of research highlight different pieces of your story. It always helps to add color to your quant findings with a video open end, or context to qualitative data with a stat. 

You may also need different formats to show your data to different audiences and to help you tell an engaging story or what you may be calling a “client-ready deliverable”.  Whether you’re trying to get buy-in internally or externally, you need research deliverables that can help you illustrate your findings, make a case, and win whatever idea you’re pitching. Clear visuals and engaging video content can help you do that. 

These are all research deliverables. From the data you gather to PowerPoint slides for your deck, to video sizzle reels showing off qualitative findings, these deliverables help you tell your story to your stakeholders. But what research deliverables do you need to tell a compelling story and win your pitch?

In this article, let’s explore how one CPG brand, FreeStyle Snacks, leveraged the deliverables Suzy has built right into our consumer research platform to create a retail strategy and nail their pitch with retailers.

About FreeStyle Snacks

First, a little about FreeStyle Snacks. The brand created convenient, liquid-free packaging to house their high-quality, delicious marinated olives from Greece. As their CEO and Founder, Nikki Seaman, began to pitch retailers, she needed a quick and fast way to showcase her research findings and wow at meetings. 

While Nikki loved that she could view her data and results in-platform, it was difficult to share with a client. That’s where client-ready deliverables—like PowerPoints, graphics, and video—come in handy. You can use them to distill your raw data into something easy to understand and communicate the critical points to stakeholders in your pitch deck. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Jazz things up with PowerPoint decks

For every action you run on Suzy, you can download a designed, ready-to-present set of slides. All PowerPoint files include a title slide, summary slide, and audience slide, followed by slides with graphic visualizations for each question’s data. While you can immediately share and use the professional look and feel that we’ve designed for you, the PowerPoint decks are editable so you can include your brand colors, logos, and fonts. The data for the graphics are all editable via Excel, too, so you can customize your look and feel. 

Monadic, MaxDiff, and TURF actions will also include slides for the concepts or attributes tested, so your stakeholders can visually see what performed well. If you dug deep into your research results with Data Explorer, you can also export those findings in a slide to show statistical significance or break down your respondents by banner group. 

Your PowerPoint deck can also include critical age and gender crosstabs for further learning, which appear in an appendix at the end of your deck.  

These built-in decks will save you a lot of time so you can get your deck in front of stakeholder eyes fast.  “All the insights I'm seeing, with the click of a button they transform into graphs that look beautiful, that I can use in PowerPoint slide decks, and it just saves me a bunch of time,” Nikki said. “And again when I need those quick insights if I have a meeting the next day, I just paste them in the deck and they're ready to go.“

Video recordings and showreels

Now, if a picture is worth one thousand words, a video might be worth even more. On Suzy’s platform, you can download .mp4 files for individual video open end responses, Suzy Live clips, and full recordings of Suzy Live IDIs and focus groups to share with your stakeholders.

But one great option to add color and to quickly share consumer insights is with a video showreel. And showreels can be incredibly effective with your stakeholders—just take it from Nikki. After she surveyed consumers to see what they liked about her brand, including the packaging and flavors, Nikki got a variety of responses. 

“They talked about all of the different ways they would use the product. I was then able to use this data in a combined kind of sizzle reel using Suzy's showreel tool and compiled all of the great videos that we got from consumers and then was able to share that video with the buyer. They were super impressed to see the level of depth and breadth of the amount of research that I put into this pitch.“

Suzy’s showreels editor is simple to use and comes with pre-built templates, so all you have to do is drag and drop your favorite clips from your qualitative research to build one. They’re a quick and powerful way to showcase insights and typically run anywhere between one and seven minutes long.

Putting it all together

Driving consumer-led growth with your research requires a pitch or presentation that focuses on who the consumer is. Graphs, charts, and tables can showcase your important quantitative data, but video showreels and word clouds can give context to those answers. Video also puts the face of the consumer front and center in your presentation, showing stakeholders a real person that said this or that. 

“Suzy has truly been a game changer for Freestyle Snacks, allowing us to put the consumer at the heart of everything and every decision that we make,” Nikki said. 

Client-ready deliverables can take you from your research to your pitch—fast. Not only do you have a presentation-ready deck that’s easily downloadable, but you can also customize it and add engaging visual and video content to drive your story home. With these tools, you can build a compelling pitch deck full of the visuals your stakeholders need to understand your research. And like Nikki did, you can use it to present your findings as soon as your action finishes. It’s never been easier or faster to get client-ready. 

Ready to get started? See how the Suzy consumer research platform works today by booking a demo with our team.


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