Women Leading the Way in Market Research: My Story of Passion and Growth


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Discover the impact of women on the field of market research.

Byline: Laima Widmer, VP Market Research

In the dynamic world of market research, where numbers meet gut feelings and insights drive decisions, there's a group of incredible women who've made a lasting impact. During Women’s History Month, I want us to share our stories, celebrate our achievements, and reflect on the shared experiences that bind us together.

My Unexpected Entry into Market Research

My own entry into market research was a bit of a happy accident. Imagine a grad student at Hunter College, deep in the world of stats, when a casual conversation with my professor led me to an internship at his wife’s market research firm. A simple “Are you interested?” was all it took for me to dive headfirst into a field that's now been my passion for over twenty years.

Witnessing Change and Staying True

As the years have unfolded, I’ve borne witness to seismic shifts within our industry. Technology has reshaped our toolkit, transforming paper surveys into AI-driven sentiment analysis. The once-distinct boundaries between client and supplier have blurred, giving rise to a dynamic ecosystem where collaboration reigns supreme. Amidst this flux, certain constants have emerged—lessons etched into the very fabric of my career.

1. Role Models: Guiding Lights

Throughout my journey at MasterCard, Citibank, Kantar, and Suzy, I’ve been fortunate to work under luminaries—individuals whose brilliance transcends mere titles. They possess not only intelligence but also the alchemy of creative thinking, leadership, and coaching. To my current team, I impart this wisdom: Seek out a role model. Observe their magic—the way they navigate complexity, inspire teams, and innovate fearlessly. Emulate their essence, for greatness lies in emulation.

2. Rigor: The Bedrock of Creativity

Creativity in market research thrives on rigor. It’s tempting to chase trends, but without a solid foundation, it’s akin to constructing a house of cards. The fundamentals—the statistical rigor, the methodological precision—form our compass. They guide us through uncharted territories, ensuring that our insights withstand scrutiny. So, embrace creativity, but let it dance within the boundaries of rigor.

3. Passion and Enthusiasm: The Fuel of Discovery

Passion fuels those late nights spent poring over data, while enthusiasm propels us through the most challenging projects. It’s the fire that ignites curiosity, the spark that transforms mundane tasks into quests for truth. As women in this field, our passion becomes our secret weapon. It’s what sets us apart, infusing our work with purpose and resilience.

A Call to Action

This Women’s History Month, let's honor the women pioneers of market research. Their stories aren't just footnotes; they’re the foundation of our industry’s progress. Let's amplify their voices, learn from their experiences, and inspire future generations.

Our stories are what knit the market research community together. Let’s keep sharing, learning, and growing together. Here’s to all the women who’ve had the courage to ask, “Are you interested?” and to those of us who’ve said, “Yes.”


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